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Topic: Hammersmith and Fulham Exposes Sham of Big Society
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Posted by: Karen Cooper
Date/Time: 08/02/11 09:17:00

As I understand it the basic Tory message was - we have to make cuts because of the economy but don't worry because people won't suffer that much because of the Big Society in which we will encourage citizens to fill the gap left by the cuts and facilitate the efforts of volunteers.

The reality in H&F is that the Irish Centre is being sold and shut even though supporters have pledged to find funds to pay to keep it open and an important centre which is the base for a significant number of voluntary groups is also to go putting their work at risk.

This is a clear case of the reality being nowhere near the rhetoric.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Hammersmith and Fulham Exposes Sham of Big Society08/02/11 09:17:00 Karen Cooper
   Re:Hammersmith and Fulham Exposes Sham of Big Society08/02/11 09:38:00 Stephen Hill
      Re:Re:Hammersmith and Fulham Exposes Sham of Big Society08/02/11 10:57:00 Karen Cooper
   Re:Hammersmith and Fulham Exposes Sham of Big Society08/02/11 17:48:00 Harry Phibbs
      Re:Re:Hammersmith and Fulham Exposes Sham of Big Society09/02/11 09:51:00 Karen Cooper
      Re:Re:Hammersmith and Fulham Exposes Sham of Big Society16/02/11 19:49:00 Jasmine Daines

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