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Topic: Re:Post Office Closure - A disaster for Hammersmith
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 22/07/20 12:50:00

Killing off state run things is something the Tories do whenever they are in power.  Everybody wants low taxes but they conveniently forget that if you want low taxes then you won't get the services.  That doesn't mean that some changes are not a good thing.

Having said that there are a lot of changes in life with so many more things beings done and run online.  Unless you can and do keep up with some of this you do and will become marginalised.  We need to continually look at ways in which to be more inclusive.  It gets harder to get the hang of new technology as you age and it can also be quite frightening with the amount of scamming that goes on.  Charities like amongst others are invaluable for help in this regard in pointing people towards help in many ways if not actually being able to help. 

Another isolating factor is that the BBC licence fee will only be paid to those on Pension Credit.  Yet there are many many people who are eligible for this but do not claim it.  I understand that the forms - pages and pages of them are difficult to fill in.  So help is needed for that too.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Post Office Closure - A disaster for Hammersmith03/07/20 09:40:00 Ellen Kearney
   Re:Post Office Closure - A disaster for Hammersmith03/07/20 12:02:00 Una-Jane Winfield
      Re:Re:Post Office Closure - A disaster for Hammersmith03/07/20 12:31:00 Rosemary Pettit
         Re:Re:Re:Post Office Closure - A disaster for Hammersmith03/07/20 12:47:00 Ellen Kearney
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Post Office Closure - A disaster for Hammersmith03/07/20 16:18:00 Edward Lawrence
               Re:Post Office Closure - A disaster for Hammersmith22/07/20 12:50:00 Philippa Bond

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