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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re::SaveOurSkyline Campaign
Posted by: Paul Corcoran
Date/Time: 21/01/11 09:06:00

I think this point may have been made before but the structure of the scheme may have alot to do with the way Council finances work. Capital receipts are treated differently to the way income is and the Council has less flexibility in the way that it uses it. The Council also has a lot of saleable assets so has a lot of flexibility on the capital account whereas it can't easily raise revenue or decrease costs on the income account.

By giving away the land in return for free use of office space it is turning a capital receipt into a cost saving.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
SaveOurSkyline Campaign14/10/10 16:44:00 Madalyn Roker
   Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign15/10/10 00:26:00 Rosemary Pettit
      Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign16/10/10 06:58:00 Ellen Kearney
         Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign16/10/10 15:55:00 Jenny Durley
            Re:Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign18/10/10 14:42:00 Ellen Kearney
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign18/10/10 16:38:00 Rosemary Pettit
      Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign16/10/10 19:34:00 Mrs Una Hodgkins
         Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign20/10/10 14:03:00 Paul Corcoran
            Re:Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign20/10/10 14:24:00 Rosemary Pettit
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign20/10/10 14:40:00 Paul Corcoran
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign20/10/10 15:47:00 Rosemary Pettit
                     Pocklington Trust Housing20/10/10 17:43:00 Paul Corcoran
                        Re:Pocklington Trust Housing20/10/10 17:54:00 Rosemary Pettit
                           Re:Re:Pocklington Trust Housing20/10/10 18:14:00 Paul Corcoran
   Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign04/11/10 07:42:00 Ellen Kearney
      Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign04/11/10 12:56:00 Rosemary Pettit
         Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign04/11/10 23:05:00 Paul Corcoran
            Re:Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign10/11/10 12:49:00 Mrs Una Hodgkins
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign23/11/10 15:08:00 Ellen Kearney
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign23/11/10 15:34:00 Mrs Una Hodgkins
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:SaveOurSkyline Campaign23/11/10 16:08:00 Rosemary Pettit
                     :SaveOurSkyline Campaign23/11/10 16:51:00 Madalyn Roker
                        Re::SaveOurSkyline Campaign23/11/10 17:04:00 Mrs Una Hodgkins
                           Re:Re::SaveOurSkyline Campaign20/01/11 09:22:00 Paul Corcoran
                              Re:Re:Re::SaveOurSkyline Campaign20/01/11 10:00:00 Mrs Una Hodgkins
                                 Re:Re:Re:Re::SaveOurSkyline Campaign21/01/11 09:06:00 Paul Corcoran
                                    Re:Re:Re:Re:Re::SaveOurSkyline Campaign16/02/11 13:57:00 Ellen Kearney

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